Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Somebody Explain...

There are things that I really wonder in life. If you have the answers, please... fill me in.

Quandary #1: Why are we born with so many things that we can really live without? (i.e. tonsils)

Quandary #2: What IS that smell in the parking lot at night?

Quandary #3: What exactly is in a hot dog?

Quandary #4: Why do people insist on naming their children things that were never meant to be names? (i.e. Pirate or Apple)

Quandary #5: How come some people can do things that other people can't? (i.e. whistle or curl their tongue)

Quandary #6: Why is Winnie the Pooh the only one of his friends who has to wear clothing?

Quandary #7: Why do we drive on the Parkway and park on the Driveway?

Quandary #8: How come Franklin was the only one to get a real name?

Quandary #9: Whose "bright" idea was it to make a handwritten capital Q look like a fancy 2?

Quandary #10: What does the scanner say when the cashier accidently scans Maggie?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Way You Do The Things You Do...

Who do you look up to? I don't mean for people like myself who are vertically challenged and must "look up to" see the faces of everyone around them. I mean, who do you consider to be your role model? Someone who has qualities that you aspire to have, someone who looks, acts, speaks a certain way, someone who does something that you hope to also do someday.

I have a few personal role models. They range everywhere from celebrities to family members to friends of mine. I admire those people who do the very things that I am afraid of. Someone who has conquered all of my fears, and has that certain je ne sais pas about them that I find intriguing.

Role models are a wonderful thing. As long as you pick the right ones. Sometimes role models can let you down. They do things that you would never do, they pick up habits that you don't approve of, or they blatantly fail at something in front of you and their pedestal status comes crashing to the ground.

Did you ever stop to consider that you are probably someone else's role model? It could be anyone really. If you were ever a camp counsellor, odds are your campers looked up to you. Younger siblings are usually the most adoring fans. Someone in a lower grade than you, someone you taught something to, someone who saw you once across the room and has kept an eye out for you ... just to see what you'll wear or say next.

This is not supposed to freak you out, it's just supposed to make you think. The chances are really very high that someone out there, wherever they may be, thinks you can do no wrong. It's just something to keep in mind the next time you weigh your decisions. The wrong one could not only hurt you, but could also crush someone who truly believed that you could do better.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

That Evil Media....

When did the media become the antichrist? Who was it that first came up with the concept of reporters being cut-throat-life-ruiners?

As a writer, it can be extremely difficult to get anyone to talk. It doesn't even seem to matter that the article won't go past the hands of my professor! For some reason, as soon as I mention that I am a member of the media... doors close, phones hang up, and people have "no comment."

No comment. Now that is something that really urks me. Just because you heard someone say it in the movies doesn't mean you should follow suit. Unless the subject could somehow destroy your reputation and by giving me 30 seconds of usable quotes you would be ending not only your life, but harming those directly connected to you. For the record, if that were the case.... I wouldn't come asking you about it!! I'm not actually out to get you!

My next favourite line is, "I don't do camera interviews." Why not? Because you're wanted in 20 states? You killed someone, buried the body and the cops are on to you? If that's the case, than okay. But I hear that line from so many people, people I happen to know have no criminal record.

The camera has almost become scarier than the dreaded media! Even when the camera is off, people see it set up on a tripod and automatically cover their faces! Yes, the video camera that I borrowed from the school is actually an FBI profiler and I am being paid under the table to record the goings-on of life at our fair college. It's all a government conspiracy.

Have you ever tried to film a group of children? They all turn, look straight at the camera, smiling, waving and saying things like, "Can I be on TV?" and "Hi Mom!" What happened to that? How come that desire to be involved in the media completely dissolves as people get older?
It's crazy. The level of paranoia in the world is incredible.

So here's the deal. It's COLLEGE. We're being trained here. Everyone is. How am I supposed to learn how to conduct interviews and focus on camera angles, microphone levels and asking proper questions when everyone is afraid of me? I don't run away from the culinary students when I see them with their knives. Because guess what? They need to carry the knives so that they can learn how to use them properly for their career. It's a crazy concept, I know.

Here's another even more bizarre idea. You know that newspaper you read? That magazine you subscribe to? The radio show you listen to? That TV show you watch to get all the updates about what's going on in the world? They're all brought to you by the media. All those scary cameras, microphones and pressing questions... well they are the tools that bring you all that incredible information. So next time you see a reporter coming.... especially a reporter in training.... give them a break. And give them a comment. Please.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


If there is one thing in life I hate it would have to be awkward situations. In the past few days I have experienced more awkward situations than ever. Let's go over them shall we? That way we can truly revel in them... dig deep, peel back the layers, and expose the true awkwardness that nobody knows.

My favourite would have to be someone wanting to discuss their genetalia over MSN. That was lovely. I can't even begin to describe how much I really and truly... wanted my computer to accidentally implode at that exact moment.

Another would be my family thinking that I'm dating one of my very good friends. And then another friend telling him about it. In front of me. I was never planning on sharing that with him... but hey, guess it didn't matter because he ended up finding out. The look on his face alone.

And my final awkward moment that I would like to share would be sitting in a roomful of people, most of whom are my friends, and not having anything to say. I was already upset about something and actually needed there to be some good conversation... but instead, I got to sit there while other people chatted. With their backs to me. I love being shunned out of a conversation.

So those are my most recent awkward situations... I can't wait to find out what the next one will be.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Okay, Okay, I Admit It...

It's true. I am completely obsessed with vlogs. If you don't know what they are, they're like blogs... but instead of text, they are videos. Hence - vlogs.

I can almost always be found perusing around YouTube these days. I love videos where people perform their original music and ones where people just entertain without being discriminating or cruel.

My favourites right now are the following three:

#1. Reina's acoustic performances of her original music and a few covers. I love every song she performs, but my all-time favourites would have to be Emily (I need to ask you) and Chance. These ones are always in my head. I wish she had a record deal so that I could buy her CD and listen to her more often. Yup. She's that good.

Check Reina out here

#2. Abby's weekly songs. She asks her viewers to submit song title suggestions and then each week pulls a song from a hat. Then she writes, produces and performs an original song based on that title. The title I suggested was "I photoshopped you out." Let's hope mine gets picked!
Her songs are highly entertaining, as is she.

Check Abby out here

#3. Christine. How can I describe her videos? They are hilarious. Many of the videos make fun of her Filipino parents (Tastefully. With impersonations) and some are soap operas. Every character displayed is performed Christine. Needless to say, she is awesome and you should definitely give her stuff a look.

Check Christine out here

One day I hope to get some of my own videos posted on YouTube. Right now I have one video of my brother singing The Only Gay Eskimo. If you want to, you can check it out here.

But for now, I will stick with my blog.