Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Oh, It's On...

As a self-proclaimed Bookworm, I have a lot to live up to. Everyone around me knows that I eat, sleep, dream, and breathe books.

So why is it that when I look through my friends' lists of books, there are so many I have never read and even more that I've never heard of? And how come some of my friends who aren't really even into reading have lists almost as long as my own?

This is upsetting. I've really been slacking in my mass book consumptions. Stupid school getting in the way of my precious reading time! I wish I didn't have to spent hours upon hours in front of a computer doing homework when I could have my nose in a book!

I suppose that is what Christmas break is for. I've got a stack of 6 books lined up so far... which should last me the first week and a bit.

I would really like to get into the classics as well as take on one author and see if I can complete their entire collection. (Not all during the Christmas break, mind you)

And during all of this reading, I am also planning to continue work on my book... so that I can start to compile my own collection.

Sounds crazy right? Dare to dream, my friend.

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