Monday, October 15, 2007


Oh Residence, you are my home away from home. If you could call Residence a home. Every so often I catch myself referring to my cubicle-sized dorm room as "home." What a depressing concept.

Now don't get me wrong, there are many perks to living here. No parents, for example. The two minute walk to classes isn't too shabby either. I also managed to get on the same floor as two of the greatest girls you could ever meet. But consider this:

Of the 40-something people living on my floor, 26 of them are only 17 years old. Thankfully, unlike a certain other floor I can often be found on, they are a quiet bunch of 17 year olds. But it leaves me feeling as if maybe I am getting a little too old for the Residence lifestyle. I feel that way until I realize how many people in Residence are old enough to be my parents.

For example, there is a certain man with a certain highly entertaining name who is old enough to be my father, and yet lives on the most immature floor in the building. First of all, what could have possibly been going through the minds of the staff when they allowed a man who is in his late 40's to live in a college Residence? And secondly, what kind of man in his 40's would want to live on a floor with a bunch of 17 year olds? Certainly not one with good intentions, I presume.

Maybe the whole situation is just beyond my comprehension because I'm having trouble relating to people three years younger than me. Living with a bunch of kids 20 years younger than me would feel an awful lot like babysitting. Not exactly the ideal living situation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes but then again, that certain person with the highly entertaining name is very immature for his age too!

But I know what you mean, at least you don't have to live on the floor that is the most revolting and annoying floor in the building!? Sometimes I just want to jump out the window... lol