Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Can't Help But Wonder...

The discussion tonight came upon the topic of Can Guys and Girls Really Just Be Friends?

To me, this is an interesting debate which truly can only be held within mixed company. For girls, the answer is almost unanimously yes. For guys, it varies. Some guys believe that their platonic girlfriends are just that. Most, I find, will admit to harbouring secret feelings for their pal of the opposite sex.

I have accepted that the majority of guys do, in fact, wish to be more-than-friends. This knowledge comes in handy when meeting people. The underlying sexual tension can sometimes be used to one's advantage. On the other hand, sometimes girls just need a protector who doesn't secretly wish to be with them. It can be incredibly disappointing later on, when one admits to their true feelings, only to discover that the other person was completely oblivious and does not feel the same.

I have also heard the claim that guys and girls can just be friends as long as each are in a relationship. While it's true that this makes them off-limits to the other, does it not also add a certain dangerousness that some could find enticing? Maybe I've just watched one too many episodes of Grey's Anatomy, but it seems that a lot of people want what they can't have.

I'm not sure where the truth behind it all lies... but I can't help but wonder.

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